Intro To TouchDesigner Workshop
This 2.5 hour workshop will introduce you to one of the most popular and versatile softwares used for creating interactive experiences, audio-reactive visualizations, immersive visuals for full dome, and much more…
Synthestruct (Ginger Leigh) is an interactive and audiovisual experience designer who has been working with TouchDesigner to create interactive experiences and full dome performances with the Mi.Mu gloves, Muse EEG headset, Leap Motion, Kinect, and has taught workshops on visualizing sound, coding for generative visuals, and interactive design.
This beginner-level workshop will get you started with the essentials of working with TouchDesigner to begin your own projects, with an in-depth look at the interface, how to set up a project, workflow, and several step-by-step examples that you can build upon.
*Seats for this workshop are limited*
Tickets: $30
Duration: 2.5 Hours
Recommended For: Anyone who is interested in getting started with creating visuals for music, live performance, full dome, or other projects, using TouchDesigner.
You can buy tickets and reserve your seat in advance by sending $30 (ticket price) to paypal.me/synthestruct