VISCERALITY is a live immersive full dome audio+visual experience created by Synthestruct that explores cutting-edge methods of controlling audio and visual elements for real-time performance. The artist uses sensor-enable Mi.Mu gloves to navigate and control audio and 3-dimensional visual spaces in real-time through gestures and movements. The artist has programmed all of the live elements to respond directly to her gestures, allowing intuitive interaction between her movements and how the audio and visuals unfold during each performance. Each scene of VISCERALITY explores different methods of interaction and control using an open-ended exploration approach, which allows for each show to be unique, and decisions about how the audio and visuals will be presented can be made by the artist in real-time.
VISCERALITY is the first full dome performance using the Mi.Mu gloves, and was debuted during Otronicon – Interactive Technology Expo at the Orlando Science Center, with 19 performances over the course of the event.
Performances: Orlando Science Center | Otronicon | Jan 18 – 21, 2019
Gates Planetarium @ Denver Museum of Nature and Science | Making Media Matter Symposium | Jul 25, 2019